This live performance of “Navigating a Riot” at “Micromanagement,” an evening of performance curated by Sean Fletcher and Isabel Reichert, took place October 15, 2011 at the Performance Art Institute in San Francisco, CA.
The performance consisted of a PowerPoint presentation covering step-by-step instructions for navigating any riot situation, an instruction card for each audience member, and audience participation. I performed as the helpful “Practical Preparedness” guide from my series of videos of the same name. After viewing the presentation, I told the audience to take up their instruction cards, and follow along with basic movements as we went through the top ten tips for navigating a riot.
This body of work focuses on the fear generated by a chaotic world of non-stop technological revolution, impending global climate change, and hyperactive news media. I use humor and absurdist situations as a method for dealing with these challenging topics in an indirect way, resulting in an element of escapism.