Three of my recent videos will be screened at Frame & Frequency in South Carolina:
Chief Resource Management Office Series: Brushing
Monotonize Series: Water
Monotonize Series: Snow
Frame & Frequency
June 6 – July 18, 2014
Reception: June 6, 5:30 – 7:30pm
Gallery 135
Patriot Hall, 135 Haynsworth Street
Sumter, SC 29150
Hours: Mon – Fri, 9am – 5pm
For more info call 803-436-2260
The Sumter County Cultural Commission in collaboration with the Sumter County Gallery of Art, Bivouac Projects and PLECTO Galleria de Arte, is proud to present Frame & Frequency: A Survey of International Video Art.
This exhibition presents a diverse group of artists representing multi-generational and cultural backgrounds, nationalities and personal histories, while demonstrating the artists’ impressive command of video and new media technologies.
Artists: Rossina Bossio, Victor Muñoz, Frank McCauley, Jillian McDonald, Bill Domonkos, Yoni Goldstein and Meredith Zielke, Dani Pavlic, Steve Snell, Ellen Mueller, Felipe Castelblanco and Alvaro Martin.