For more images of the installed show, check out this Facebook Album.
Photos from “Practical Feminism”
by Ellen Mueller on May 5, 2014, no comments
by Ellen Mueller on May 5, 2014, no comments
For more images of the installed show, check out this Facebook Album.
by Ellen Mueller on December 1, 2013, no comments
Grades are submitted, break is well underway, and it’s time again for my semester round up where I look back on teaching these past few months… Drawing I: This class was exciting this semester because it was our first semester in the new drawing studio. This new space used to be an old cafeteria – […]
by Ellen Mueller on October 19, 2008, no comments
The final summary from the NYC trip… SUNDAY Sunday started out with a peaceful sit in the park next to The Brooklyn Museum (they didn’t open until 11am, and I arrived early, so I took the time to outline the manual for my upcoming exhibition, Complete with Illustrated Manual – I’m so excited!). Once inside, […]
by Ellen Mueller on October 18, 2008, no comments
SATURDAY We started off by visiting USF faculty, Elisabeth Condon’s, studio in Brooklyn. Then it was off to do some more studio visits/artists talks with a photo-realistic painter, Ben Weiner and Siebren Versteeg, who had interesting multimedia work based on scripting computer code. We also stopped by The Kitchen to catch some interesting Alix Pearlstein […]
by Ellen Mueller on October 17, 2008, one comment
Technically I returned from NYC Sunday night, so let’s see if I can remember it all… This is a run-down of all the stuff we did the 2nd day we were there. FRIDAY We started off at the Museum of Modern Art, where we saw some Rauschenbergs that relate to our class work, a Lichtenstein, […]