Ellen Mueller

Back from NYC! (Day 4 summary)

by Ellen Mueller on October 19, 2008, no comments

The final summary from the NYC trip…

Sunday started out with a peaceful sit in the park next to The Brooklyn Museum (they didn’t open until 11am, and I arrived early, so I took the time to outline the manual for my upcoming exhibition, Complete with Illustrated Manual – I’m so excited!).

Once inside, we (classmate Robb Fladry and I) went to the Jesper Just exhibition of video works, which was a highlight of the trip – it was some of the most interesting work of the whole weekend.

Then, we went upstairs to check out the Gilbert and George exhibition which was also interesting because it was digital art by people who seemed to have only a surface/minimal understanding of the software – it brought about some good discussion about value, archival standards, etc.

Following this museum, we grabbed a bite to eat, and I was off to the airport to catch my flight back to Tampa! What a whirlwind of art overload in just 4 days! I’ll be processing this stuff for a while.

See also:
NYC Day 1
NYC Day 2
NYC Day 3