[stills from presenters’ slides at “Performing Help”, SECAC 2013]
I am chairing and presenting on a panel, “Performing Help,” at Southeastern College Art Conference [SECAC] in Greensboro, NC. If you’re in town, catch it at 3:30pm on Friday, Nov 1, 2013 in Victoria Room C1, Sheraton Greensboro.
I’ll be presenting with with some very talented artists and scholars:
- Caroline Peters, “Killin’ It with Paul Crik,” Colorado State University-Pueblo, Pueblo CO
- Rae Goodwin, “Help Wanted, a performance strategy based on not knowing,” University of Kentucky, Lexington KY
- Cayla Skillin-Brauchle, “Certifying the Truth in Mumbai,” Independent Artist, West Topsham VT
- Rebecca Kielty, ‘”Youtorial”: Satire from the Peanut Gallery,’ Independent Scholar, Clearwater FL