Credit: Still from this film on Tom Marioni’s “The Act of Drinking Beer with Friends is the Highest Form of Art”
I am chairing a panel at the MACAA conference in Lincoln, Nebraska October 4-6th, 2018. My panel is entitled, Parties & Parades: Approaches to Social Practice, and I’m looking for presenters. Here’s the abstract:
For the purposes of this panel, we will categorize social practice as social engagement and collaboration with individuals, communities, and institutions as a form of participatory art. As social practice grows in popularity and becomes further institutionalized, instructors are seeking out more information to help their own understanding, and to structure courses, lessons, and activities, while also meeting the curricular and technological needs of their particular institution. Given the wide-ranging nature of this field, and to help narrow the focus of this panel, we will specifically look at social practice approaches and strategies in connection with ritualized gatherings, including but not limited to, parties and parades.
This panel seeks submissions that address these ritualized gatherings from artists, designers, and art historians. Topics of investigation could include, but are not limited to, integrating technology, looking at the past, present, and future of ritualized gatherings in social practice; examining existing or proposed courses focused on this subject; and sharing particularly effective assignments related to this area of study.
250 word proposals/abstracts are due by April 30, 2018, and can be submitted via email to ellen@ellenmueller.com. Membership is required at the time of acceptance. Conference registration fee is required of all.
Please share far and wide! I would love to hear from a wide variety of interested people.
• Open Call Due Date: April 30, 2018
• Conference Dates: October 4-6th, 2018
• Location:University of Nebraska-Lincoln