Ellen Mueller

Mark your calendars for Pecha Kucha V4

by Ellen Mueller on December 20, 2009, no comments

Friday; Jan 15, 2010

20slides x 20 seconds + 8 presenters = a great night of art, innovation and creative thinking

presenters include:
becky flanders | april childers | robert neff | ellen mueller | michelle malott | raina benoit | tom wagner | kathy gustafson hilton

Come join us at studio 620 in St Petersburg.

Friday, January 15th, 2009
studio@620  |  620 1st ave S, St Petersburg
7:00 doors, 8:20 presentations
$5 at the door
cash bar

Pronounced (“peh chak cha”) is the Japanese word for “chit-chat.” It is also a blend open mike, happy hour and forum for new ideas. Designers, adovocates and overall creative people are given 20 slides shown for 20 seconds a piece. Originated in Japan, Pecha Kucha has spread virally over 260 cities around the world.

follow Pecha Kucha Tampa on facebook .