I started an experiment that builds on both my interests in independent publishing and visiting/reflecting on various artistic happenings. I’m hosting this short-form independent arts writing and reflection experiment at Art-Sprawl.com.
I’ve been documenting art experiences on my Instagram account for the past several years, and this new project builds on that photo-centric model. I’m curious about alternative and even absurdist modes of arts writing, publishing, and reflection. I wonder about collaborative responses to artistic experiences, and perhaps some reflections that do not center the written word. Small zines and other publications will be available for purchase at Art-Sprawl.com, along with free online versions.
While the majority of the reflections are based out of the Twin Cities, the subjects of this experiment will not be limited only to that geography. I plan for this project to last a few months, and I will disclose if I have a preexisting relationship with any of the artists.
Interested in participating? Have an idea for a bit of reflection? Reach out: art.sprawl.info@gmail.com
I plan on maintaining a somewhat slow pace – publishing every 1-3 weeks. I won’t be featuring every exhibition/event I attend (I’ll keep posting those pics on my Instagram account) because I’m trying to keep the experiment manageable in scale. Feel free to subscribe via email at Art-Sprawl.com.