In February I participated in the Portland-based artist collective Environmental Impact Statement’s Visual Quality Objectives, a project that invited artists of all disciplines to submit project ideas for a show that will not happen if logging commences on the north slope of Mt. Hood. All proposals were submitted as part of the public record for the Polallie Cooper Timber Sale in response to the Forest Service’s analysis of the potential impacts from commercial logging on public land.
Now those proposals are being exhibited in Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) + Virginia River Healers (VRH), an exhibition of the work of the two artist collectives from across the country, presented at SEDIMENT Arts, located in Richmond VA.
208 East Grace Street
Richmond Virginia 23219
May 6 – 28, 2016
Friday and Saturday from 1pm – 7pm or by appointment.
Issues of public land management in the west alongside private corporate PR tactics in the east form the foundations by which each collective has initiated projects to amplify awareness of what goes on out there. (Is there really an out there?) Through imaginative and performative tactics generated by each group, the exhibition explores the potential for artists to be powerful cultural agents in interpreting the systems that shape our world, and the values that people hold for the future of our planet.