My new series of videos, “Collecting Rectangles.” will be on view at Chrysalis Lens: A Brief Survey of Contemporary Video Art, which takes place a the Klaus Center for the Arts at Marymount California University.
Chrysalis Lens: A Brief Survey of Contemporary Video Art
November 5 – December 5, 2015
Reception: Thursday, November 5, 2015 – 6:30pm to 9:00pm (Free)
Klaus Center for the Arts
430 W. Sixth Street
San Pedro CA 90731
This exhibition explores the ever-metamorphosing state of video art. Tracing back to the genesis of video art during the late 1960s and early 1970s, the videos selected for the exhibition serve as a survey of contemporary video art created in order to view the current state of video art since prominent artists such as Nam June Paik, Valie Export, Doris Totten Chase, Bill Viola, Maureen Connor, and Vito Acconci first pioneered the art form. For information call 310-303-7223.