Ellen Mueller

Call for Presentations – SECAC 2019

by Ellen Mueller on February 2, 2019, no comments

Professional Practices in the MFA

I am excited to be chairing a panel at the SECAC Conference in Chattanooga TN, Oct 16-19, 2019, entitled, Professional Practices and the MFA. I’m looking for presenters. Here’s the abstract:

MFA programs are the terminal degree for artists and designers, with many intending to launch a career as an exhibiting artist or as a professor in higher education. As anyone who has participated in an MFA program can share, graduates actually end up going into a much wider plurality of careers upon completion. With the high cost of participation, in terms of both time and money, there is a convincing argument that MFA programs need to take more responsibility for career development and preparation. The question then, is how to support MFA students in those next steps after graduation. For this panel, we will be focusing on wide-ranging manifestations of professional development in MFA programs. What are programs considering core competencies in terms of professional practices? What are the time-tested strategies, and what are emerging as new professional practices for MFA students? What is the vision for the future? Proposals welcome from faculty, grad students, administrators, and others.

Proposals are due by April 1, 2019. SECAC membership is required if your presentation is accepted. Conference registration fee is required of all. Visit this link to submit your presentation proposal: https://secac.secure-platform.com/a/solicitations/home/5 To submit, select “Studio Art” from the drop-down menu, and then a new drop-down will appear where you can click the title of my panel:


If you’ve never written a conference proposal before, here’s a great article about how to write one.

Conference Dates: October 16 – 19, 2019
Venue: The Chattanoogan Hotel, 1201 Broad St
Conference Directors: Katie Hargrave and Christina Vogel
Contact: secac2019@gmail.com
Call for Papers Dates: February 1 – April 1, 2019
Website: https://secacart.org/page/Chattanooga

Please share far and wide! I would love to hear from a wide variety of interested people.