I’m please to have Leisure Test 04 included in $5 Video, and exhibition at LHUCA (Louise Hopkins Underwood Center for the Arts) in Lubbock, Texas,
For those outside of Lubbock, here are the included works:
WINNER: Maria Villanueva https://vimeo.com/549384506
Daniel Everett ttps://youtu.be/Z0YTmuHTKrw
Rylee Henson https://vimeo.com/553110034
Ellen Mueller https://vimeo.com/546952819
Lex Turnbull https://vimeo.com/376886249
Joshua Welsch https://youtu.be/6ZmTFdviIy4
Jean His https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Tacie Jones https://www.taciejones.com/
M Bridget Lynch https://youtu.be/iltp9nJT3SM
Gina Palacios https://vimeo.com/218539179
Ellen Mueller is a fiscal year 2020 recipient of an Artist Initiative grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board. This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.