This series of satirical performances is inspired by the western landscape, historical westward expansion, and human infringement on America’s natural resources.
This investigation considers honesty, or a lack thereof, in a chaotic world of impending climate change and hyperactive news media. By examining the darker side of the human condition, and searching for truth stemming from human resistance to change, I invite the viewer to contemplate what it means to be human, and to live with others.
In “Manifest Destiny I,” I have juxtaposed 3 channels of video of myself in a cheerleading uniform, pushing a ladder up a hill. This absurd action mirrors the absurdity of extracting increasingly inefficient fossil fuels from the earth via hydraulic fracturing (fracking) and refining tar sands. The work also reflects on a conquering spirit and its purpose.
In “Manifest Destiny II” I have taken overtly patriotic quotes from the US passport and choreographed cheers to them in a 2-channel format. The performance critiques a variety different political groups presenting overly-simplistic and polarizing understandings of issues related to American expansion. An example quote is, “This is a new nation, based on a mighty continent, of boundless possibilities.” – Theodore Roosevelt
In “Manifest Destiny III” I have increased the scale of these ideas by utilizing 6 cheerleaders in a variety of formations, cheering these cheers.
This project is supported by Fractured Atlas Fiscal Sponsorship, a Moonifest Micro-Grant,
and *THIS LIST* of individual donors.